I am passionate about seeing women grounded in Scripture, rightly dividing God’s Word, and bearing fruit for His glory in their daily living.

hello & welcome!

my name is anna brown.

How It All Began…

After coming to know the Lord and growing in relationship with Him through reading His Word, I found myself at a four-year Christian University getting grounded in Scripture. A few years later and I was attending a small Bible school that had a two-year program that taught through the Bible chronologically almost covering each book of the Bible.

While at that Bible school, I grew in both my knowledge of who God is and in my personal relationship with Him. I began to understand the Bible as one story, perfectly unified. I learned about God’s heart to be known by all people, whether that be our neighbor or people from another nation who have never heard the name of Jesus. I also grew in my understanding of how to interpret and study God’s Word for myself.

This experience of learning how to study my Bible, understand it, and apply it to my life lit a passion in my heart for all people to know the Lord. It has also led me to serve women through encouraging them to become students of God’s Word.

This is important to me because our theology, our understanding of who God is and His Word will impact how we live our lives.

I want women to know God as He has revealed Himself in His Word and to be able to discern the things they hear and measure it up against God’s Word for themselves, so that they are not led astray. I want women to be grounded in sound doctrine and therefore able to live lives that bring honor and glory to God.

I am thankful that you are here!

My heart is to encourage you from God’s Word and equip you to be a life-long learner of the Word of God.

I desire to do this through practical resources like Bible studies I have written, online courses, and Biblical resources to aide in your personal study of God’s Word.

my foundation

  1. God’s Word: God’s Word is the foundation here in all that is done. The Bible is elevated above man’s wisdom, opinions, or culture. I believe that the Bible is inspired meaning that it came from God (2 Peter 1:21). I believe that it is also inerrant meaning it is without error (Prov. 30:5). I believe the Bible is true meaning it is accurate in all that communicates and is the objective standard (Psalm 119:160). I believe that it is eternal meaning that the Word of God will never cease to exist (Isaiah 40:8). I believe that the Word of God is authoritative meaning that it should be followed in all that it instructs (Psalm 119:4). I believe that God’s Word is useful, applicable, and timeless (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

  2. The Gospel: This message is also central to the content created here. I believe the Gospel is that God sent His one and only Son to be the sacrificial payment for the sins of the world (John 3:16), Jesus died for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2), was buried, and rose victoriously three days later defeating sin and death (1 Cor. 15:3-4). God did this because mankind was in sin. No one lived rightly, all fell short of God’s standard and could not uphold the law perfectly (Romans 3:10-18, 23). Adam sinned and sin spread to all of humanity (Romans 5:12). The consequences of sin are people are separated from God (Romans 5:10), dead in their sins (Eph. 2:1) and headed towards a place of eternal torment called Hell (2 Thess. 1:8-9).

    In love, God formed a plan to buy back humanity from the bondage of sin, being separated from Him, and eternal damnation (Eph. 2:4-5). For those who believe or accept the free gift of salvation from God through Jesus Christ they are forgiven of their sins, brought back into right relationship with God, are no longer under sin’s authority, and will not perish but instead live forever with the Lord in Heaven (John 3:16-18, Eph. 2:8-9).

  3. Historical-Grammatical Interpretation: I believe that Bible is without error, therefore it does not contradict itself. It is unified and tells one story. When it comes to how to understand God’s Word, get meaning, and applying it properly, context is critical. I believe that it is important to recognize things like the who wrote the book, who it was written to, when it was written, and what the cultural context of those who it was written to. I believe verses should be understood by context, the surrounding information like verses, chapters, or the entire book. Also, that Scripture would interpret itself. Since, it does not contradict itself we should understand things in light of what the entirety of the Bible says on a topic or how other verses help us understand a specific one we are looking at. This type of interpretation guards against reading our own opinions or meaning into the Bible. It keeps us from asking ‘what does this mean for me?’, but first starts with the question ‘what did God intend to communicate through this passage?’ or ‘what meaning was communicated for the original audience (those written to)?’