Encouragement for Women from the Word

P O D C A S T:

Thank you for visiting the podcast page! Encouragement for Women from the Word is all about getting into God’s Word together as women. The podcast is intended to be a place of strengthening you in your faith and encouraging you in your relationship with Christ.

My hope is that the podcast would be a launching place for your personal study of God’s Word. In each episode description, I will have listed all the passages of Scripture that I have covered in the episode for you to reference and go back to you. I am firm believer of measuring everything that we hear and see against God’s Word to ensure it is in alignment with Truth, including my podcast!

We will cover different topics like the Gospel, our identity in Christ, biblical womanhood & more!

Thank you for listening along, your company is a blessing!

C U R R E N T S E R I E S:

Understanding Suffering

In this series, I will be going through relevant topics related to suffering like:

-God’s Character

-Where did suffering come from?

-What is the purpose of all the pain and suffering in the world and our lives?

-What do we do with all the pain and brokenness we experience?

The goal in this series is to shift from a perspective that is grounded in our feelings, circumstances, and opinions to a perspective that is anchored in God’s character and His Word.

Previous Podcast Series:

Salvation’s Source & Security

This new series covers the conversation: is a believer’s salvation secure OR can be it lost. We are going to get into God’s Word together as we explore this topic.

Throughout the series, we will cover topics like:

Whether or not our salvation can be lost or if it is secure? Verses that seem tricky to grapple with! Can you have personal assurance related to your salvation? What is proof of your salvation? Is it our job pass judgement on whether a person is saved or not? How do we know when someone else is saved or not? What should do if we don’t know if someone is saved?


Let’s take a look at a biblical presentation of the Gospel, understand how someone can be saved, and why it is so important for the Gospel not to be added to or muddled.

We’ll look into topics like works, repentance, making Jesus Lord of your life, confessing with your mouth, and praying a prayer!

We will also consider how to share the Gospel with others in the clearest way!